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The role of the HFEA

The Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) was created by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of 1990 and is an executive non departmental public body. It has statutory responsibility for the regulation of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and human embryo research within the UK.

The HFEA’s principal task is to license and monitor centres that carry out in vitro fertilisation (IVF), donor insemination (DI) and storage of gametes (sperm and eggs) and embryos. The HFEA also regulates human embryo research.

The HFEA’s other statutory functions include:-

  • Producing a Code of Practice which gives guidelines to centres about the proper conduct of licensed activities
  • Keeping a formal Register of information about donors, treatments and children born from those treatments
  • Providing relevant advice and information to patients, donors and centres
  • Keeping under review information about human embryos and any subsequent development of such embryos, and the provision of treatment services and activities governed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, and – where appropriate – advising the Secretary of State on relevant developments

Underlying all its activities is the HFEA’s determination to safeguard the interests of patients, children, service providers, scientists, the wider public and future generations.

All treatments regulated by the HFEA are performed by Mr Mustafa at The James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough (HFEA Centre No 0055). For further information please visit the HFEA website at www.hfea.gov.uk.


Consultant Gynaecologist
Person Responsible and Consultant Lead
Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
GMC No: 4342625

Tel: 01642 714445
Mob: 07568 506857

51 High Street
North Yorkshire